Wednesday, January 17, 2018

My winter break

This winter break, my family decided to not go out of Louisiana because my father has recently had surgery. After exams ended, my sister and mother went to Florida to pick up some clothes and personal items from the condo my parents sold. They came back on Christmas eve, and we went to  my uncle's house to have dinner and open presents. Everyone received an abundance of good gifts and was happy.

After Christmas, we stayed at home and basically did nothing until New Years. On New Years Eve, we made our way over to my mom's friends' home. They did fireworks and allowed us to play with some smaller things as we awaited 2018. The break was not the most fun, but it was definitely the most relaxing one we have had in a long time.


  1. I'm glad you had a relaxing break. I hope you got everything you wanted for Christmas.

  2. Im glad to hear that you had a good break. I hope you got everything you asked for from Santa.

  3. My break was also very relaxing as well. Christmas just seemed to pass a lot faster than it usually does.
