Monday, September 18, 2017

Did It Really Happen?

The phone rang, and I jumped off of my bed. 
"Who could it be?" I wondered.
"Hello?" I said nervously as I picked up the telephone.
"Good Morning, is this John Cane?" the ominous voice asked.
"Yes, who's asking?' I responded.
"This is Cameron Blitz from the New York morgue. I regret to inform you that your parents have recently passed away." he whispered as his voice broke.
"No. That is not possible, they just left the house an hour ago..." I responded as the first of many tears fell.
"Sir, your parents were involved in a car accident. It seems as if they passed a red light, causing them to crash into multiple vehicles. The cars piled up, with their vehicle on the bottom. They were crushed by the impact," the old man deliberated.
"But they said they'd be back in an hour!" I cried
"Mr. Cane, please calm down. I need for you to answer some questions for me," he said with a soothing voice.
"Okay, but answer my question first."
"Please, ask me anything," he responded.
"Where did the crash happen?"
"It happened at the corner of 5th and 50th," he answered as he flipped through papers.
"That's right by my house," I said as I checked my watch.
"Are you telling me that the crash happened as they left?" the old man responded.
"Yes..." the only word that I felt like saying came out of my mouth.
"Do you recall your parents acting weirdly before they left? Any symptoms of drugs or alcohol?" he attempted to interrogate me.
"No, they were as normal as ever," I answered.
"Okay, thank you. Do you mind coming to the police station to answer further questions?" he asked uneasily.
"Umm, I'll be there in twenty minutes," I sobbed as I hung up with the man.

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