Monday, September 18, 2017

The Rule of Thre3 (Final Post)

The Rule of Thre3 is a book written by Eric Walters. The story takes you on a journey with the main character who is trying to save the neighborhood. He is attempting to do so with his neighbor Herb, Todd, and his mother. The author took me on a journey that really made me reconsider some things about myself. He always had a reason for doing everything in the novel. He managed to keep me wanting more up until the very end of the story.

I've completed this medium sized novel in the span of three weeks, about 360 minutes of reading. I was brought into this fictional world by Eric Walters. He made me think about things like who I trust the most, and if they'd ever betray me. Minor things that no one ever thinks about were talked about, like would you kill if you needed water for your family? The story makes one think about these horrific things, but you know what kind of person you are if you answer truthfully. In the end, are your means justified by the end goal?

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