Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Rule of Thre3

The Rule of Thre3 continues to amaze me with the way this story describes and solves the problems that the characters are given. Each and every character has their own way of solving problems, each as useful as the other. Each person is given a role to maintain, and it is done with obedience and care. Currently in the story, the characters are protecting Lori's family at their farm. They were recently confronted by a group of people who are in need of water, so Adam takes the lead by offering a unique way to help.

The author's organization is basically just events chronological order. The story is told in first person, so we follow one main character throughout the book. There are very many interesting word choices made by the author either. The story and plot of this book is great, but the basic grammar and wording ruin how great this book could be.

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