Monday, October 23, 2017

Trust: Describe a person or group of people who you trust the most.

Trusting other people is not something that is not easily done. It always has seemed like everyone I attempt to trust can break my trust in some way. I've managed to mostly keep to myself for a majority of my life, but it always seemed like I should tell someone. I never knew trust trust until I met my group of friends at Episcopal. This group managed to get secrets out of me that even my parents didn't know.

We are four boys that have known each other since kindergarten. I've known the fifth person since fifth grade. I've entrusted this group with my biggest secrets: things about crushes, family matters, etc. The amount of trust that people gives you comes with an amount of responsibility and gratitude that you should show. We've all shared secrets with each other, and we respect the secrets, regardless of how we feel about them. All of this has led me to believe that you can never have true friendship without true trust.

1 comment:

  1. You point out really good ideas in this blog. It is a really thoughtful prompt. Good job!!
