Monday, November 27, 2017

Free Post

This Thanksgiving, my family decided to stay home for the entire break. This is the first time we haven't gone anywhere in 5 years. It was a bit of a change, but it was relaxing to get a short break from high school. Even though we didn't go out of the state, it was one of the most fun Thanksgivings I've ever had. I look forward to more breaks where we stay at home in the future.

For the day of Thanksgiving, my family hosted quite the gathering. We invited all three of my mom's brothers, each with three or four kids and a wife, my brothers who each have a child and a wife, and my aunt and uncle whose children are old and married. Everyone brought one dish to cook and my mom cooked the turkey. After everyone stuffed themselves with food, we played board games, watched tv, played basketball, and eventually swam. This experience was so memorable and I hope to do something similar again.


  1. Our family also enjoys staying home for Thanksgiving. We think it is a time for rest and giving thanks to others, so we enjoy spending it in similar ways to yours. Nice post Saadia!

  2. It sounds like you had a really fun Thanksgiving. I also stayed home this year. Good job!
