Monday, November 6, 2017

LOTF Reading Response

Lord of the Flies started out as a boring and normal book. I expected it to be a typical story with a group of people struggling against nature itself to leave a vicious environment. I expected there to be one main protagonist and one antagonist fighting with each other about how to leave the island. As I continued to read, the book became more than just the things I expected. It became interesting and weird.

The book is an atypical story that involves struggles between the people, their fears, and their environment. The detail put into the symbolism for each character surprised me. I have been able to see foreshadowing from the beginning of the book. The characters have been unified and divided at the same time. The book continues to show us the truth of humanity as well as the stupidity of it.


  1. This is a good blog post, but it appears to be stuck in only talking about the plot of the story. I think that this blog could be substantially better if you focused on the ideas and questions that the Lord of Flies raised instead of the story line.

  2. I agree with Evan about this post, but you do raise some good points about the literary devices and such that Golding uses. I agree with your statements about the plot and characters, however, so great post!

  3. I feel I really understand how you feel about the book; however, it would've been nice for you to include some elements that you found cool and interesting. I feel you ending sentence really sums up the entire book.

  4. I understand where your coming from. I Thought The book was going to be a normal and typical book as well, but I guess we were wrong. :) great job!
