Monday, April 9, 2018


YouTube Shooting: Woman Wounds 3 Before Killing Herself, Police Say by Maggie Astor and Maya Salam

Shootings have become a major problem in our world today. It is almost an everyday thing. This is something that we should not be getting used to, as long as we are human. The most recent and prominent shooting took place at the YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California. The shooter wounded three people before she took her own life. The three people are injured and in the hospital.

These problems have become more prominent in the world with the rise of terrorist groups and the increasing instability of many people. Issues like these have taken countless lives that we cannot begin to count. These shootings need to be dealt with properly. Hopefully with better laws to ensure that these things will not happen because it is completely wrong for someone to lose their life because of a flawed system.


  1. I completely agree with you that people today are starting to become more and more used to awful things like this.

  2. I also believe shootings have become a major problem. The frequency of these shootings make us less sensitive to the lives that are taken by these shootings. With so may of them now, I worry we will just become used to them.

  3. These shootings are beginning to be overlooked, and that can not happen. Lives are suddenly lost without a fair chance at life, and we should remember them.

  4. I agree with your views on shootings in this post. I really like how you said that the world shouldn't accept horrible acts like this, and they should instead take action. Good job!

  5. I like that you point out how shootings have become so common that people have gotten used to it. It's really sad. I also believe that the system needs to change to keep people safe.
