Monday, October 9, 2017

Free Post: My Fall Break

Fall break was a break where we had two days off of school. I was sick for the Wednesday before fall break, so I had an extra day off of school. I was sick for Wednesday and Thursday, and I spent Friday doing homework and missed classwork. This left me with only the weekend to enjoy fall break. 

On Saturday, my friends and I discussed our plans for homecoming. We decided what we would do for dinner before and our plans for after the event. I spent the rest of my day with my family which involved going to dinner for mu sister's birthday and watching a movie. On Sunday, I FaceTimed some friends and I played some video-games. My fall break wasn't very productive, but I caught up on some much needed rest.

1 comment:

  1. That stinks that you were sick! You sounded like you had a fantastic break!
