Monday, October 9, 2017

Living with a SEAL

This novel was written by Jesse Itzler. The book takes place in present day New York where the narrator lives. The story mainly focuses on Jesse's workout time with SEAL, but it also talks about the problems between the main characters. Jesse is mainly the protagonist and SEAL is his antagonist. I enjoyed this because the author uses quintessential words and phrases to make the reader feel a sort of empathy for the narrator.

The story begins with Jesse finding a workout trainer at an intense race. This trainer is the toughest man Jesse has met, but even he has some problems. Jesse seeks the help of SEAL to become a better runner and a better person. The author doesn't leave much suspense throughout the story, but he does make it interesting with the disputes between everyone. The only problem that I have with this story is the fact that the conflict is always about the same type of issue. I recommend this novel to anyone interested in a funny and entertaining book.

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