Monday, October 23, 2017

Human Nature

Humans have never been perfect. Many of us have multiple flaws. We make countless mistakes, and we are not always kind. This all seems like it reflects badly on humans, but it is natural. We cannot help what we were programmed to do. We all make mistakes, but the best part about humans is that we attempt to correct our mistakes.

I haven't always thought of humanity like this, but things seem to become clearer as we grow older. People become more idolized and perfect when you realize that everyone has made a mistake. It makes everyone feel more confident in themselves. This urge for perfection will never be accomplished, but man-kind will try its best to be as close to perfect as possible.

1 comment:

  1. You see a lot of movies that have a "perfect" human, but that character always has a flaw of his own. Even in stories, nobody thinks that there is a completely perfect human.
