Monday, March 26, 2018

Free Post

This spring break, I will be going to visit my sister for a week. She is my half-sister with three children and a husband. She recently moved to California, so we want to go visit her in her new home. My younger sister and I will be the only people going on the trip, so it will be quite an adventure flying alone. Once we arrive, we hope to do many fun things as well as spend time with our sister.

The first thing we will do is drive by the house I was born in as we go to her house in a small town. When we arrive at her home, I hope to have a good meal for dinner and a good night's sleep because we plan on going to walk around Los Angeles the next day. My sister is hoping to meet a movie star. We have not planned every day, but I am hoping to have a fun, stress-free week off.


  1. That trip sounds really fun! Have a safe flight.

  2. I have been to the Los Angeles area of California and it is really fun. Y'all might think of spending a day in Disneyland or another theme park.

  3. It will be really cool to see the house you were born in! I hope you will do many exciting things California!

  4. I'm glad you're going to see your sister and hope you get to see her more often. I personally don't know what I'm doing for most of the break either. I know I am going to Hattiesburg for Easter.

  5. This sounds like a really fun way to spend your spring break. I hope you enjoy your time with your sister.

  6. Sounds like you will enjoy the experience of flying alone and going to see your cousins. I hope you have the stress free break that you wanted and I hope your sister will see that movie star she plans on seeing.
