Monday, March 5, 2018

LAUNCH Response

LAUNCH Day is a day of fun, but also seriousness. It is a day where the seniors involved in the Thesis Program present their topics that they have been developing for two years. It is said to be the best day of high school, but it is also the most stressful for those presenting. There were many theses presented on this day, but one specifically stood out to me. It wasn't even presented on LAUNCH Day.

Kenny's topic on atonal music was amazing. He was able to reach the audience through interesting dances and fun tunes. It most definitely held my attention. It also inspired me. I recently talked to my college counselor about the program, and it seemed like something that I would like to apply for. I do enjoy researching topics, but I didn't want to do anything boring which would be a waste of two years. Kenny showed me that you can make a presentation on basically anything, as long as you are passionate about it. Hopefully I get accepted into the program ,so I can teach other high schoolers about what I am passionate about.

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