Monday, April 30, 2018

Strengths and Challenges

Writing is an activity that requires attention and devotion, especially for quality writing. It takes all the traits of good writing to create a meaningful and quality paper. Our class has done three major essays, each of which we've devoted weeks towards completing. Our teacher's guidance has made the process easier, but each and every person struggles and succeeds in different areas of writing.

I believe that strongest point as a writer is definitely my ability to turn facts into something interesting  and worth reading. My favorite essays were the literary analysis and the research paper, each of which required facts and interpretation. I did well in both of these essays, leading me to believe that I do excel in this form of writing. My weakness, however, is creative writing. I am not terribly awful at this, but I sometimes struggle with making something out of nothing. Even though my creativity may need a lot of work, my fact-based writing compensates.


  1. You do a great job with the intro paragraph that sets up the rest of your post. I would consider elaborating more on how you are able to turn facts into something interesting and what struggling with making something out of nothing means. All in all, it is a good post, but you should elaborate more on your strengths and challenges.

  2. I agree with you, It does take lots of time, focus and effort to construct a good piece of writing. Great post!

  3. I also believe that analytical writing is one of my strong suits. I think that argumentation is a skill that is useful in more than just writing. I also think that people are either better at analytical writing or creative writing. I haven't seen anybody who is great in both areas.

  4. I am also better at factual writing over creative writing. People who are creative writers are very talented, and they can amaze me with their free thinking.

  5. I agree that it's often easier to write when given the occasion and "prompt", but at the same time, I find myself writing better and more smoothly many times when I am engaged in creative writing, as I am often more passionate about it or interested in it. The research paper however, as we were able to choose our own topics (with some limitations) was a great experience for me. Great post.

  6. I would have to agree that making something out of nothing is very hard. Creative writing is just hard for me because making new ideas is very hard for me. I guess I need to develop more creativity. I also agree that the research paper was one of my favorite papers.
