Monday, April 16, 2018

What are the most meaningful relationships in your life?

There are countless relationships that we will have in our lives. They will all affect us differently, but they will most definitely affect us in some way. Some people will make us happy and other will not. Many people will not maintain the majority of their relationships that they have right now, and those that continue to stay with us will be the most important people in our lives.

There are so many people that will tell you friends are friends and many relationships will come and go. They tell you to stay loyal to your best of friends and to not put your relationships before the people who you have known for so long. This is a decision that is a hard choice to make. I feel as if each person can balance things differently, and each can make room for relationships in a different way. The best advice anyone could receive is to be yourself and keep both friendships and intimate relationships but to be sure of what you value more.


  1. It is important to value relationships that have existed for a long time. I also believe that you should you focus on both intimate and friendly relationships. However, you should always remain respectful of your friends.

  2. I feel you man! This is a wonderfully written post. Great job!

  3. I feel that establishing strong relationships, especially early on in your life, is essential to what will become of you in the future. Friends, family, and romances will never fail to find they're way into our lives, and I love how you express that they are some of the most important things we will ever have.

  4. I think that relationships should't be thought of as trivial. I once saw a video about how we only have a limited amount of time to live and giving someone else your time is the one thing you ca't get back from them.
