Monday, March 5, 2018

Free Post: Fortnite

I admit, I came up with this idea because of a lack of inspiration in anything else. What is Forntite? It is a third-person battle royale game that requires tactical skill making and a new aspect, building. It has recently taken the video-game community over. It has brought many people back into video games. The best part of this game is that it is free!

Now, you may be asking why do so many people play this game? Fortnite catches the players attention by being free, but they do have micro-transactions in which you can purchase new characters, pic-axes, parachutes, and dance moves. These buyable items are all fun and interesting. The company behind the game prides itself on adding new content almost every week, keeping the players entertained. This game seems like it could get stale, but two games are never the same because of are luck. I personally love this game, and I would love to see this game grow even further!


  1. I've never played fortnite before...I've been hearing so much about it! Seems fun, and I love how the creators add new things every week! Might have to try it one day...

  2. I like this post because I have the same free post topic.

  3. I love Fortnite ! I'm happy you chose to write about something that you love to do. I can't wait to see it grow too!

  4. I completely agree with your statements. Fortnite provides a great gaming experience in not only the combat and game mechanics, but also the community, developer interaction with the players, and room for creativity. Good job Saadia. Straight Facts.

  5. I question whether the game actually requires tactical skill. In most battle royale games, the chances of winning depend upon your first drop ad scavenge, and I don't particularly like that. It seems if you don't get a decent first drop, the game could be over for the player.

    1. The problem with that idea is that many good players are able to succeed with any weapons. Any gun in Fortnite can be with the right player.
